Wine in China, Interviews and More… (Mandarin Subtitles)
During my recent trip to China I gave an interview discussing Chinese wine markets, the Gold Book, and much more. Tune in here to get the full interview with Mandarin Subtitles
You can also find an article in Mandarin here
近年来,年事已高的哈利黛仍然活跃在澳洲和国际舞台上,为澳洲葡萄酒的推广继续付出精力并乐此不疲。而这次我在糖酒会上见到的另一位相对年轻的澳洲知名酒评人罗博.盖德斯(Rob Geddes)则以出版的《澳洲葡萄酒年鉴(Australian Wine Vintages)》一书得名。